My parents encouraged me to join the Walton County Prevention Coalition 13 years ago as a student, and now that I am a parent, I continue to participate because I believe in their mission. The Coalition is changing norms. Together, we have created and implemented multiple ordinances that really make a difference. We are like a frontline defense for our community. We find out what threats are on the horizon and come up with strategies to combat substance abuse issues before they affect our children. 

It’s important for parents to be informed, so we can all be prepared and know the signs and behaviors that accompany youth substance use.  I personally love the Coalition’s Hidden in Plain Sight campaign because it’s a real eye opener. There are so many substances kids are using to get high, and they are things most parents wouldn’t normally be concerned about. Parents can find additional tools for having conversations and spotting the signs of substance under the Campaigns Tab - Hidden in Plain Sight- above.

Not only does the Coalition give parents tools to recognize risky behavior but they ask the tough questions to ensure teens are getting the information they need to make the best choices. One of those questions that is consistently asked is, are we educating teens enough so they don’t make choices that lead them down the wrong path? When I was a teen, my parents and the Coalition constantly warned me of the dangers of drug use. Most teens think it’s okay to try something once, but that is simply not the case. We need to help teens understand that trying a drug one time can alter the chemicals in your brain. You can get addicted the first time you use a substance. 

I encourage you to get involved with the work the Coalition does in Walton County. If you have children at home, get them involved too. It is all of our responsibilities to make sure information is available to help parents and youth in our community make the best possible choices.

