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warning signs of alcohol abuse


Recognizing the Warning Signs: How to Know If Your Kid is Using Drugs or Alcohol

It’s the moment that all parents dread when their children reach their adolescent years – the moment that they start to wonder, “Is my child using drugs or alcohol?” Maybe you are noticing signs of a sudden change of attitude or a decline in your child’s grades at school – whatever the reason, substance abuse is a common cause of worry among parents of adolescents. It is important to know the warning signs and to create an open dialogue with your children when you notice strange behavior.

Warning Signs of Teenage Substance Abuse

1.       Sudden Change in Behavior or Attitude

I know what you are thinking – They are teenagers. Of course they have sudden changes in attitude. Fair enough, but this is one of those warning signs that can be brushed off by parents for that very reason. Pay close attention to your child’s behavior and talk to them when you notice these changes. Maybe it’s just a typical teenage mood swing, but there could easily be a larger issue at hand.

2.       Decline in School Performance

Did your child go from being an honor roll student to barely skating by in their classes? This is a sign that your teenager is struggling with something – maybe it is substance abuse, or maybe it is another issue such as depression. Pay attention and always let your child know that you are there for support.

·         Another thing to pay attention to is your child’s attendance in school. Are there school absences that you were unaware of? This is a definite sign of troubled behavior.

3.       Withdrawal

If your child becomes withdrawn from interaction with you while at home and starts to react in a negative manner to your attempts at interaction, this could be a warning sign of substance abuse, depression, or a dangerous combination of both.

·         When teenagers become involved with alcohol or drugs, it can cause them to withdraw from their parents out of fear that they will know what they are up to.

·         Withdrawal can also be a result of substance abuse induced depression or the ‘I don’t care’ mindset that the use of drugs and alcohol in teenagers can cause.

4.       New Friends and/or Decreased Interaction with Usual Friends

Of course, there is nothing wrong with your teenager making new friends and it is totally normal for some friendships to fade out. However, if you notice that your teenager’s usual friends aren’t coming around anymore and you’ve yet to meet any of your child’s new friends, you may want to dig a little bit deeper into seeing who your child is spending their time with. Your child’s circle of friends is a huge influence to their adolescent years.

5.       Severe Weight Loss or Weight Gain

There are certain drugs that can cause rapid weight loss and certain drugs that can cause weight gain due to the effects that these drugs have on your appetite. Any dramatic fluctuation in your teenager’s weight should not be taken lightly. However, all drugs effect people differently so just because your teenager isn’t experiencing drastic fluctuations in their weight, doesn’t mean they aren’t using.

6.       Missing Items around the House

No parent ever wants to suspect their child of stealing, but if you are noticing any of the above warning signs and things are starting to come up missing around the house, your child could be in serious trouble. Items that may come up missing could include –

·         Money from your purse or wallet

·         Prescription medications

·         Expensive items such as jewelry

7.       Strange Behavior When They Come Home at Night

When your teenager comes in from a night out with their friends, do you notice any of these behaviors?

·         Hat pulled down to cover their eyes; lack of eye contact

·         Excessive use of chewing gum or cologne/perfume

·         Avoiding interaction/going straight to their room and shutting the door

These could all be warning signs that your teenager may be abusing drugs or alcohol. Talk to your kids on a regular basis about the dangers of substance abuse and keep them educated about all of the harmful effects.

The Walton County Prevention Coalition is dedicated to educating parents and adolescents about the importance of preventing substance abuse in our youth. Knowing the warning signs and paying close attention to the behavior of teenagers is one of the most important factors in preventing the use of drugs and alcohol in teens. What are you doing to educate your children? 
