You can make a difference in your own life, and in the lives of our community's youth. We need your help to spread the message. Volunteering, donating money, even just signing the pledge to abstain from drugs and alcohol... you can make a difference today!
Your donation allows us to further our cause, reach more youth, and continue strengthening our community.
We appreciate your support.
Take the Pledge
It's a good time to 'say no' to drugs and alcohol. Substance abuse affects us all.
Take our pledge today to better your life and the lives of those around you.
For Youth
For Parents
Join the Coalition
We would love to have you join our cause.
Our members are from all areas of the community with many different areas of interest and expertise. We look forward to meeting you!
Involve Your Business
By adopting the Not My Lot policy, companies are showing their commitment to being a responsible business that helps promote successful kids, strong families, and healthy communities. We recognize that there are numerous health dangers and illegal activities associated with drug use that are detrimental to profitable businesses and successful communities. The goal is to provide a safe environment for staff members and customers. Drug use and illegal activities are not allowed on these premises. We understand our responsibility to the members of our community to promote safe, healthy and ethical behaviors while on business property. Our management team and employees are committed to preventing drug use and the negative impact that it has on children, families, and our community. Therefore, we are committed to provide an environment that is free of drug use and illegal activity.
To sign the Responsible Business Policy, click the button below.